If you are looking for a thesis statement (not that this a "paper"), it shall be is this:
[What does God think about "making out"? How should we treat one another in accordance with how God feels about it?]
First thing, perhaps, to be addressed shall be PDA, which stands for Public Display(s) of Affection(s). What is PDA and what does it have to do with "making out"? It has much to do with this.
"Making out" is an improper form of affection, to those that are not married. To married couples, it is completely fine, as to the fact they belong to one another and it would not lead to fornication. It is not improper just because it is in public; PDA also has another meaning. It does? Yes, PDA, Private Displays of Affection.
PDA, whether private or public, is not in accordance with good manners. How so? If you are not married, then you should not be touching her as that; God says to flee youthful lust and also to flee fornication (ref. 2 Timothy 2:22; 1 Corinthians 6:18). As with marriage, keep it more in private; in public it is disrespectful to others (especially with the many sexual harassement law suits, et al.) and not being considerate of others (yet there are times when some forms of PDA may be acceptable with a husband and wife). Considerate means, " obervant of the rights and feelings of others syn thoughtful..." (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, p 172). He should be respectful of others feelings, not wanting to hurt them or disgrace them. Remember, God is always watching.
To be continued, as time permits and the Lord wills.
Take care all.
(Any questions/comments, feel free to ask.)