Sorry forgot, there are 4 (this is the first one, forget the date though; it's to the same girl).
chrstman: ??
[------------]: whats the ?? for?
chrstman: May I speak my heart to you?
[------------]: sure
chrstman: Before start saying anything
chrstman: Proverbs 27:6 - "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."
[------------]: ok
chrstman: Really, went through some experiences
[------------]: ok
chrstman: well
[------------]: yeah
[------------]: it's ok really just say whats on your mind
chrstman: :)
[------------]: or I should say heart
chrstman: huh?
chrstman: yeah :)
chrstman: Ephesians 4:15 tells us to speak the truth in love.
[------------]: ok
chrstman: You promise not to hate me?
[------------]: yes I promise (hate is too strong of a word) and Christ says we should love everyone
chrstman: :P
[------------]: :D
chrstman: I do not agree
[------------]: about what?
chrstman: with
chrstman: (or believe in, that is to say)
chrstman: do not believe in b/f or g/f, but rather friendship...mind if told of things that experienced (happened)?
[------------]: ??? not sure if I follow??
[------------]: And I don not mind I just realized what you meant
chrstman: just realized? :)
[------------]: yeah I am a little slow but do you mean like do I mind if you tell me some experiences you had?
chrstman: :) if I told you...
chrstman: first person felt that truly loved (which learned was not love, but an infatuation with her)
chrstman: back in 1993 at the church :D
chrstman: went to VBS, 1st time also (for VBS that is) there.
chrstman: was 12yrs, was in the 11-13 year class
chrstman: only 2 girls were in there, my sis (Korina) and Carrie
chrstman: Saw her, as was like, wow! She was very beautiful (so I thought). So started going to that church... :)
chrstman: but anyways, they had quit going there after awhile... and I kept going, then Jesus saved me :D
[------------]: wow that is pretty kewl
chrstman: Anyways about 7 years later (from 1993), on Wed. rode with Janie (who taught that VBS class), felt impressed to tell her about Carrie, well (skipping) she got her number for me and I called
chrstman: (skipping)... (see was wanting to get married to her :) )
chrstman: but anyways, had told her (which was a mistake :D, although it's what I prayed for) how felt
chrstman: (you know, praying would get to talk to her, et al., and tell her how I loved her.)
chrstman: anyways, she had been sort of seeing someone else, and said it best I quit calling her.
chrstman: That hurt too :D, but learned much from it, and am very thankful Jesus was there.
[------------]: that would hurt me too
chrstman: :)
chrstman: never dated anyone though, and never had a girlfriend (but you had already knew that).
chrstman: So, 2nd semester of college, in Math class
chrstman: Math For Liberal Arts II
chrstman: was sitting there in class
chrstman: (which, note, I reget this much. Treating girls as such, may explain later.)
chrstman: a girl walked in
chrstman: :), very beautiful (so I thought :D)
chrstman: ** thought
chrstman: anyways
chrstman: prayed, was like don't want to wait 7 years (you know) probably not ever see her again... so
chrstman: prayed for God to help me to talk to her... anyways saw her in the walking in the hall
chrstman: (was not math class that day)
chrstman: and made up mind to talk to her.
chrstman: was like, hey, you that girl from Math class... she said, didn't not understand, then explained, she was like, Yes.
chrstman: So I told her, I think I like you.
chrstman: Anyways (had gave her a gift, had gave Carrie one also for her b-day), the third time
chrstman: we spoke, she told me she had a "boyfriend"
chrstman: So, that was a heart-breaker, but Jesus was there :)
[------------]: did you say I think I like you the FIRST time you talked to her?
chrstman: Yeah :)) really
chrstman: But remember, that was before what the Lord has helped (allowed/let) me learn now (before what I know now).
[------------]: oh ok
chrstman: :P
chrstman: See, it not that I think I did, but
chrstman: did not want to say anything strong
chrstman: as did with Carrie, i.e. not wanting to say, hey, I love you.
[------------]: ahh true I think that would freak a girl out (even if I liked the guy I would still be freaked out by an I love you out of no where)
chrstman: Yeah :))
chrstman: Anyways,
chrstman: the last one
chrstman: [I] had to deal somewhat with 2 Cor. 6:14, you know, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers
chrstman: Say a girl, when working for the college on work study
chrstman: (had learned a little between that time)
chrstman: Also, because of not being tied in a relationship (when quit calling Carrie), really got learned much about God and his word...
chrstman: ** got to learn much
chrstman: Well, saw a girl there, was like, eh... whatever
chrstman: but we see her much though, around the college... that can get to you, lol
chrstman: anyways, was outside with Lee, working, on the bricks that had come loose
chrstman: the hose was lying stretched acrossed the walk way
chrstman: she was delivering the "mail" to the offices
chrstman: she came out there, and was saying something like, passing through... I was like, hey... but she was smiling (laughing somewhat) and said something like, I don't want to get sprayed by the water
chrstman: so thought like her (but did not though)
chrstman: saw her smoking...
chrstman: but tried to be like, well, can get her saved... or what... :D (Not so, not so)
chrstman: told her she once, that she was beautiful, (also asked her about lunch, but she was not able to have a lunch break because of the hours she work or something)... anyways
chrstman: she was dressed bad (ugh! :-6 ), so just quit about her, you know.
chrstman: Also in speech class, did one of the speeches on Maintaining the Right Relationship with the opposite sex... (those experiences were helpful too).
chrstman: Learned much from the research from it, and learned much from Christian programming also.
chrstman: When after Carrie, that, on a Wed. (usually watched PTV at that time though), but put it on a different channel
chrstman: got to listen to Joshua Harris' video tape on I Kissed Dating Goodbye, very helpful :)
chrstman: also about about the 2nd year in college, learned much...
chrstman: mostly learned a little more after had graduated from college :)
chrstman: but began to treat women as friends and not potiental wives, which is how they should be treated.
chrstman: as the Book of Timothy says, to treat younger women as sisters... :)
chrstman: After college, got to read some books (very helpful). I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello To Courtship (both by Josh Harris).
chrstman: Also a very good one, that helped much, was Emtions: Can You Trust Them, by Dr. James Dobson.
chrstman: Sorry for being so long :)
[------------]: thats ok
chrstman: But we should just be friends with those of the opposite sex :)
[------------]: yes that is what I have been working on for the last 3 years is at least getting FRIENDS that are guys
chrstman: which, I do not truly believe in b/f's or g/f's (can explain that, if you like, or do not understand).
chrstman: :)
chrstman: :)
chrstman: ** of if you do not understand
chrstman: ** of
chrstman: ** or
chrstman: lol
[------------]: Well the only thing I don't understand is what if for chance you find a girl that likes you back and you ask her out and she says yes will she be your gf or just a friend?
chrstman: well
chrstman: see
chrstman: you don't ask them out
chrstman: you just be their friend :)
chrstman: I mean
chrstman: I would, with God's help, I would just be a friend to her (just be her friend).
chrstman: encourage her in the Lord
chrstman: and help her grow in God, and in his word, et al.
chrstman: be a friend to her, and a should for her to lean on, you know?
[------------]: yeah I understand that but would you ever date her then like treat her to things making her feel special?
chrstman: Only in marriage :D
chrstman: Oh yeah!
chrstman: but maybe somewhat a little more special in a bethrphal (spelling) or Engagement (something short, probably), because the friendship would be something long... then marriage, perhaps something like that, Lord willing.
chrstman: :P
chrstman: betrothasl
chrstman: ** betrothal