chrstman: just replied to that email, agian.
losermitchell_2005: I know I saw
chrstman: How are things?
losermitchell_2005: pretty good.... school starts Monday
losermitchell_2005: u?
chrstman: Alright
losermitchell_2005: thats good
chrstman: Yes
chrstman: Can you remember what day it was
chrstman: When we had talked about that you had liked me, or at least what Month that was in.
chrstman: Trying to find that log
losermitchell_2005: it was this month wasn't it?
chrstman: I think
chrstman: found it
chrstman: Mind if I shared it with someone?
losermitchell_2005: nope i don't mind
losermitchell_2005: y?
[quoting a chat log to her]
chrstman: t_less2003: he really likes me, but I just like him as a friend.................
Emmanuel: Oh
Emmanuel: Then you needn't be worried about it.
Emmanuel: He will live. And realize that he should seek someone more his age though.
_less2003: yes but....... basicly I told him that I like him so.... ( I feel REALLY bad..........
Emmanuel: Just tell him the truth.
ss2003: I don't want to hurt him......
Emmanuel: You need to tell him, because lying to him would hurt him worse
Emmanuel: Him thinking you like [him], then find out (perhaps by someone) then be very hurt, [1] that you didn't truly like him, and two that you lied to him about it, and would have not been as hurt had you told him (thus not really getting hurt).
---__ss03: see! I knew u'd know what to do!
chrstman: Emmanuel: .. merci
ess2003: ?
Emmanuel: Merci, french for Thank you.
less2003: ah, I know the word but forgot the meaning
Emmanuel: kewl
less2003: lol
Emmanuel: But when you tell him, you need to tell him the truth in love. Ephesians says to speak the truth in love.
less2003: what are u saying???
Emmanuel: Tell him the truth
less2003: *sighs*
less2003: : ( (
Emmanuel: ?
ess2003: n/m
ss2003: I'm just cryin
[end of the quote]
losermitchell_2005: aw
losermitchell_2005: why did she tell him she liked him?
chrstman: She said she did though, that he was cute
chrstman: but she said she liked Trevor better and that he was 17
chrstman: I can show you the whole log, so you can know
chrstman: LW
losermitchell_2005: okies
chrstman: asking her about that now (she has to leave now though).
chrstman: But it's just to clarify this for you.
losermitchell_2005: okies
chrstman: Oh
chrstman: not sure if told you
chrstman: but remember when had showed you picture of this one friend of mine, and we were talking about beauty and skinny and fat, etc. ?
losermitchell_2005: yeah
chrstman: She said I could give you her name
chrstman: Not sure if she meant yahoo or real though, lol
chrstman: Did | tell you already?
losermitchell_2005: nope
chrstman: k
chrstman: your address?
chrstman: what's you email address (so won't have to search for it)?
losermitchell_2005: [Took her email address off]
chrstman: thanx
losermitchell_2005: yup
chrstman: sent it
losermitchell_2005: okies I can't ckeck it now but I will check it soon
chrstman: k
losermitchell_2005: OH I see----> just read email
chrstman: k
chrstman: yeah
losermitchell_2005: that is pretty bad though--- a 20 year old likeing a 15 year old--doesn't sound safe to me
chrstman: I know
losermitchell_2005: But last year one of my campers (I think she was 14) liked the senior head counselor who was 23. . . we were walking down to pete's cabin (a cabin far from camp that cabins can chose to spend the night in) and my senior counselor was right in front of me well she was like yeah he is soo HOTT and me being nosy I was like who and they she was like Phil and I was like yes VERY true BUT you are what 14 and he is 23 WAY too old for you and she said yeah but that doesn't mean he ain't hott....blah blah blah (my senior counselor yelled at me later saying I shouldn't talk about boys to junior high campers that I could over stimulate them but I wasn't I was telling her NOT to get her hopes all up that he is very old)
chrstman: not too rare though...
chrstman: That crazy
chrstman: Telling you such a thing
chrstman: ** that's
losermitchell_2005: my little sister (not really my sister we just call each other sisters) just turned 14 thursday but she was "dating" a guy on the internet (who had already lied about his age) who was 19 she broke up with him though...................who telling me what?
chrstman: my senior counselor yelled at me later saying I shouldn't talk about boys to junior high campers
chrstman: man
chrstman: dating someone old is but, but Online is worse
chrstman: ** bad (not but)
losermitchell_2005: I know seriously I do it all the time and it doesn't OVER STIMULATE them now I WON'T tell them whos dating who but I won't change subjects if they are talking about guys (unless it gets BAD)................. and yes I agree but half my friends do it I tell them they are TOTALLY crazy but they are like well you have never done it so you don't know *arg* they are crazy and are going to get hurt and there is nothing I can do anymore
chrstman: Yes they are
chrstman: You can tell them that there is someone who does know, and knows it will cause pain and hurt.
chrstman: but if they don't listen, there is really nothing more you can do.
losermitchell_2005: I know
losermitchell_2005: and they know it causes pain (all of them have have one or more internet bf) they just think one is different from another
chrstman: I'd (forgive me) be like, I could care less [if they were to say I don't know etc.], I ain't about to start either. It can get you hurt, and I really have no time for things anyways. (but I really don't know, because I never been in such a situation, so I think).
chrstman: Yup
chrstman: Well, it's like this:
chrstman: They are addicted (probably would not admit that though)
chrstman: Not putting anyone down, but
losermitchell_2005: I know what you mean
losermitchell_2005: and seriously they are
chrstman: a friend I know, was trying to tell her and get her to understand, but [she] ended up getting hurt. She was like, maybe you were right...
chrstman: I had told her something, and things... and she said, ... I'm addicted to having a b/f....
losermitchell_2005: oh get this....... dating some older than you (WAY older) is bad..... dating someone on line is bad. putting them together is worse but this is ever WORSE put both of them together PLUS the fact that they were lesbians that is just WRONG and BAD (on of my friends did that when she was a freshman)
losermitchell_2005: one*
chrstman: Yes
losermitchell_2005: yeah
chrstman: man
chrstman: but hey
chrstman: look at this:
chrstman: She had just said this: "It's bad, but I don't want to be without [Thisboy, name not used]. And the next best thing would to be with someone else."
losermitchell_2005: that makes no sense
losermitchell_2005: if she doesn't want to be without that boy then WHY is the BEST thing to be with someone else???
losermitchell_2005: I mean
chrstman: go figure
losermitchell_2005: ...... why doe she think
losermitchell_2005: does*
chrstman: je ne sais pas [<-- that means I don't know. just letting you know Brianna]
losermitchell_2005: huh?
chrstman: Don't ask
chrstman: It makes no sense
chrstman: because the words are contrary to one another.
chrstman: Not putting anyone down (It's by the Grace of God that it is not one of us). But, that makes it seem as "she" is lying... or just really confused, hurt, and upset (especially with what happened).
chrstman: [I] Almost feel like crying... that's[...], why can she not see[?]
chrstman: Mind if WE pray for her know?
losermitchell_2005: I don't mind at all
chrstman: (hey, I would want someone to pray for me)
chrstman: k
losermitchell_2005: me too
chrstman: Yes
chrstman: just type (if you want) and not worry about what I type
chrstman: or not type, what ever you want
chrstman: Lord God, please put your hand on -------. She needs you now. Lord, be with her and by her side.
chrstman: God be wit hher
chrstman: Help her to realize Lord
losermitchell_2005: dear heavenly father I thank you for this day And I pray this day that you will be with Allen's friend and help her realize what she is doing and where she is going and such
chrstman: Lord be with ----.
losermitchell_2005: through her greif or confussion which ever it may be
chrstman: Jesus, help her to realize and understand the pains fo dating and the hurt, not just it hurting her, but the hurt it causes to others.
chrstman: Just touch her God, she is hurt and sad.
chrstman: Crying.
chrstman: Comfort God, and help her to realize
chrstman: I love (care for) her Go. You know that. Please do not let her get hurt, and/but to also realize the pain this causes, and the hurt it causes, not just on/to herself, but to others also
chrstman: Do your Will LORD, have your way. Help her Lord God to realize/
chrstman: Put your hand on her Lord God. be wit hher Lord.
chrstman: We lift her up to you. She needs you..
chrstman: Thank you Lord. Thank ou. In Jesus name, Amen.
losermitchell_2005: amen
losermitchell_2005: Amen*
chrstman: Thank you
losermitchell_2005: no prob
losermitchell_2005: hey I just thought of one bad part of dating............ trust AKA my mom dated AOT of guys and my dad wonders sometimes if she wishes she were with one of them
chrstman: ?
chrstman: Yup
losermitchell_2005: what was the ? for?
chrstman: When you said "hey I just hought of one bad part...." typed ? before reading the rest
losermitchell_2005: oh
chrstman: See, courtship can cause that same thing. Instead of dating many, one courts many. That can also cause that of trust, making one wonder.
losermitchell_2005: yup
chrstman: Just food for thought.
chrstman: Wow!
losermitchell_2005: but no matter what in a marriage there is still that wonder but instead of wondering if they wish they were with one of their other bf/gf's it wondering if they wish they were with someone else
losermitchell_2005: thats the WOW! for?
losermitchell_2005: whats*
chrstman: "Out of all his friends he chose you. He could have been with any of them, but he chose you to be his wife."
losermitchell_2005: huh?
chrstman: friends... "the wondering"... think about it
chrstman: **
losermitchell_2005: well yes that soaths it and so it does with dating but that doesn't mean the wonder is gone
chrstman: I believe in friendship. ** "the wondering" (what you was talking about, the trust). ... thus think about it.
chrstman: Dating is different.
losermitchell_2005: I know
losermitchell_2005: brb.......... you can type I just won't respond right away
chrstman: Our Sunday School pinic is tomorrow.
chrstman: k
chrstman: Praise God, \o/
losermitchell_2005: kewl
losermitchell_2005: back
chrstman: wb
losermitchell_2005: ty
chrstman: YW
chrstman: Yeah, hope get to shoot some hoops
chrstman: I don't really have a basketball though, well it flat, and my niece has this little ball here.
chrstman: ** little basketball
losermitchell_2005: hehe r u good (at basketball)?
chrstman: Not too good, but I like playing it
losermitchell_2005: yeah same here
chrstman: pretty good, but not the best
chrstman: not too good at shooting from a distant (depending on how far it is).
chrstman: Not good at driving it to the hole either
losermitchell_2005: I am better at a distance than close up ( )->driving it in the hole) but I am getting better I like playing knock out (ever play it?)
chrstman: no
chrstman: what is it?
chrstman: (Getting a drink)
losermitchell_2005: k
chrstman: gback
chrstman: ** back
losermitchell_2005: ok everyone lines up in a line (duh...) but the first two people get a ball (shooting at the foul line) the first person has to make it in before the second one does BUT if the second one does first the first one is OUT if the first one makes it in before the second one does then he/she hands the ball to the next person and they trry to get the second person out....... so on and so forth (the second one CAN'T shoot until the first one shot ONCE)..................wb
chrstman: I call it gotcha
chrstman: I love that game
losermitchell_2005: oh we call it knock out here
chrstman: ty
chrstman: I won some games of it.
chrstman: That game can get really addictive or competitive that is to say.
losermitchell_2005: YES very and I win sometimes too
chrstman: Ever won any games of it? (Oh almost forgot about the Resee's Inside out, the Peanut butter on the outside, the chocolate on the inside )
chrstman: saw it at the store, and got one. Sister got one of the Kid Kats.
losermitchell_2005: neither of them are that bad but I like the original better
chrstman: Just now tried it
chrstman: I liked the one they use to have, the peanut butter and jelly
chrstman: the other way was better
losermitchell_2005: peanut butter and jelly?
chrstman: The other way, peanut butter in side, was better
chrstman: I liked the peanut butter and jelly
losermitchell_2005: pb and j what?
chrstman: Reesee's cup
chrstman: ** Reese's
chrstman: Either it was them, or some other co. made them.
chrstman: They used to sale them at Texico
losermitchell_2005: oh never heard of it
chrstman: oh
chrstman: They were good.
losermitchell_2005: HEY have you heard of/ tasted the new Mountain Dew product Pitch Black (grape moutain dew)
losermitchell_2005: ???
chrstman: Yeah
chrstman: It taste like grade soda
chrstman: lol
chrstman: ** grape
losermitchell_2005: yeah it does
losermitchell_2005: I like live wire the best :9 Mmmmmmm
chrstman: I like Caffine Free the best.  
chrstman: Don't think I ever had Live Wire
losermitchell_2005: I like caffine.......its the only thing that keeps me going
losermitchell_2005: YOU NEVER HAD LIVE WIRE (orange mountain dew)
chrstman: Don't think I have
chrstman: I think I will go and play the game. Dad is walking around as if he has nothing to do.
chrstman: I dunno.
chrstman: God bless you Michelle and take care. Enjoyed talking to you. Thank you for being such a great friend. God bless you and take care.
chrstman: Have a good night. Good night and sweet dreams.
losermitchell_2005: God Bless you and g'night and ty for being such a great friend as well and enjoyed talking to you to
losermitchell_2005: God Bless
losermitchell_2005: bubyes
chrstman: ** with you (not to you)
losermitchell_2005: yeah that
chrstman: Ty and you are [also] welcome.
losermitchell_2005: bubyes
chrstman: Bye Michelle.
losermitchell_2005: byez Allen